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    [机翻] 雷霆湾地区健康科学中心远程肿瘤服务受访医生满意度调查
    摘要 : The objective of this work was to investigate end user satisfaction and perceived efficacy on the part of client physicians for teleoncology services in Northwestern Ontario. A survey of 98 referring physicians from 17 remote comm... 展开

    摘要 : Objective:To identify the challenges and facilitators for implementing a 24-h telephone cancer service.Data sources:English language articles were retrieved from Medline, Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature, a... 展开

    摘要 : Teleoncology describes cancer care provided remotely to improve access to care in rural or underserved areas. In the United States, 14.8 million women live more than 50 miles away from the closest gynecologic oncologist; 4.3 milli... 展开

    摘要 : Objective: To describe the use of telemedicine in cancer care (teleoncology model of care) for rural patients in North Queensland. Design: This is a descriptive study. Data on demographical and clinical factors were retrieved from... 展开
